What is Internet Trolling?
It is the practice of anonymously abusing other often vulnerable people on the internet. The problem is getting worse.
Transcription of Dr Az Hakeem’s view on Weekend Sunrise program on what motivates online abuse…
What motivates online trolls?
We can't presume all perpetrators are the same; we got to separate out those who don’t have any capacity and awareness on the impact they have on others… people with severe mental illness or people with an autistic spectrum disorder. Those who haven't fully developed their capacity, like young children and those clearly do have the capacity to know the impact of what they are doing. Of this group we can separate them further into those who do it on the spur of the moment and those who do it in a more planned way.
The spur of the moment people we can consider those as similar to the other aggressive offences which happen impulsively like... road rage where people… when they may be indicative of poor tolerance to frustration threshold… they may regret later.
The more planned and calculated trolling is more like a psychopathic behaviour. It is the callous disregard for other people’s feeling or even the craving of excitement derived from seeing the suffering of others.
What do Psychopaths get from damaging someone?
That’s quite psychopathic; the sadism… the getting enjoyment from other people's suffering it is quite psychopathic. But whilst… one option is… we’ve either got a sudden increase in the number of psychopaths which is very unlikely or there is something about the internet which facilitates a kind of psychopathy in people who are otherwise not psychopaths.
Is prison the right place for people like this?
If we think of systems of authority we can think of internal systems which are in our lives as our conscience and external frameworks of authority. It seems to be… with internet trolling when internal systems fail the external system may be a useful deterrent in the criminal legal system.
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